Always remember that when the whole world seems a little daunting and events just keep hitting you right, left and center just remember to keep a steady state of mind and summon up patience, consistency of action, focus, determination, persistence and critical thinking as these will help you get through as well as provide you the peace of mind you need.


Let us be honest, how many of us put in the effort to even “question” out own very existence and the existence of things around us? Hardly any, as all many seem to do is presuppose so many things, so much so, that their very presuppositions become the very starting point of their own reasoning. They presuppose “money”, they presuppose “governance”, they even presuppose the murderous activity and stupidity of “warfare” as a given and as a “criteria” for being “civilized”. Yes! sadly, that is a truth of which many have never stopped to consider.  Because of their very presuppositions in life many spend much of their very existence in limbo and constantly in  search of “purpose” to their life. As a human being the world you were born “into” is nothing other than a “HUMAN CONSTRUCT” and as such you need to understand it for being that as that way when you do “understand” it you can recognize that you live in a symbiotic relationship with everything you see around you and it stands to both reason and emotion that you should not be aiding and abetting in the evil that shrouds and dominates far too many HUMAN CONSTRUCTS.  That said not all human constructs are evil or bad but sadly far too many of them are and in order to help one maintain inner peace of mind, body and soul it is our earthly obligation to “abstain” from as many bad ones as possible.

Funny how “everyone” seemed to have  a lot to say about the things we were doing when they had no clue what it was we were even doing! The sheer stupidity of humans who have mentally amputated their own minds into believing that things have to be done within the box and by the box. True FREEDOM is the individuals ability to think for themself and to do that very thinking outside the confines of any box given to them especially outside the confines of handed down oppressor boxes. You are That That you Are so always remain true to the YOU in YOU as that is the only way you will maintain the integrity, dignity , transparency and pride you need to stand head tall. Contrary to popular mis educated and “Brain-Stained” belief  the notion of True FREEDOM is what one calls  “Structured Statelessness”.